
Best Hair Loss Treatment

Every human being experiences hair loss at sometime in their lives. It is very rare that any one does not suffer it. If you are one of those who are losing hair, please read the complete article. In the following, you are advised the best hair loss treatment.

Scientifically Proven Herbs for Hair Loss Treatment:

The following herbs are scientifically proven and testified to have remarkable effects for hair loss treatment.

 Carya Alba

 Astragalus Glycyphyllos

 Angelica Arhangelica Root

 Peach Kernel Oil

 alvia Officinalis

 Capsicum

 Cortex dictamni radicis

 Flos Chrysanthemum

 Heshouwu

 Iron-Fist Ginseng

 Miltiorrhizae

 Notoginseng

 Paorulca Glandulosa

 Rhizome of Szechuan Lovage

 Radix astragali

 Radix GinsengRadix Polygoni Multiflori

 Corthamis Tinctorius

 Red-rooted Salvia

 Aralia Quinquetolia

 Rhizhoma gastroidia ginseng

 Seu radix notopterygii

 Sophera flavescens

The Best Hair Loss Treatment Products:

101D Hair Loss Treatment, 101F Hair Loss Treatment, 101G Hair Loss Treatment, and 101 Hair Loss Treatment Shampoo are the names of hair loss treatment products, which are regarded as the best hair loss treatment products by world renowned hair experts. These products not only include the mentioned important herbs for hair loss treatment, but also include them in the molecular structure that is vital for highly effective hair loss recovery.

Use of these products according to the given directions will help you

What Is Your Hair Type

Everyday you see people with all color and style of hair. But did you know that you have a hair type? Yes! Not all hair has been created the same.

Lets start with the basic structure of hair:

1) Hair grows from the follicle, which is long and bulbous. If you were to pull out a strand of hair you would see the bulge at the tip of the hair. The cells at the base of the follicle divide rapidly and is where you get your hair growth.

2) Each strand of hair consists of three layers, the first being the innermost layer called the medulla. This is only present though in thick hair though.

3) The middle layer is known as the cortex. This layer provides the strength, color and texture of your hair.

4) The outer most layer is called the cuticle and this is what protects the cortex. It is completely colorless.

5) The entire strand of hair is made up of a protein called keratin. And that is hair!

There are 2 basic kinds of hair:

1) Terminal hair is the hair that grows thick and long and is found on the head, armpits, pubic hair face and chest. (Face and chest on men)

2) Vellus hair is soft short hair that you will find over the rest of your body.

The type of hair you have seems to have to do with geography.

1) If you are of Asian descent, then the hair strands are round and thicker than all other types of hair. With the exception of the red head who has the thickest hair of all.

2) If you are of European descent with blonde or dark hair, then your hair strands are thinner. The strands are round to oval shaped.

3) If you are of African descent, then the hair strands are flat and that is the reason for the frizziness and curl.

It’s interesting to see when you get a mix of Asian genes with African genes or Caucasian with African. I am a white girl with blonde, curly frizzy hair. My parents came from Holland where there is a high concentration of people with African descent. So it’s not hard to see where I got my hair type, which I personally love. It’s a Hair Factor

So you can now figure out why your hair is the way it is. You just need to do a bit of research into your family tree and there you’ll have it.

Hair Loss Best Solution

When addressing a problem, any problem, 50% of the solution is accurate diagnostic of what exactly is the problem. Such accurate diagnostic of your boldness status will supply you with the tools to fight back, stop hair loss, and regain your thick hair.

Every hair follicle has life cycle of between two and six years, which ends with the hair falling and a new one replacing it. 90% of the hair is at the growing stage, ANAGEN, at this stage the hair grows about 0.3 mm everyday and it last three years. The next stage is resting, KATAGEN, at this stage the hair does not grow and stay static for three weeks. The last stage takes place when the hair falls, TELOGEN, it can take up to three months to the hair to fall. Normally, at this stage new hair is growing.

The average person loses between 50 to 100 hairs daily. The hair grows about one CM a month. Blond people have more hairs, about 140,000, in compare to darker hair people who have 90,000. Old people tend to lose more hairs then growing them back.

Hair loss is usually diagnostic when large areas of the scalp are left with only thin hair. Usually people notice hair loss when they comb, or at the shower. The hair loss results from the pressure on the hairs during these activities, and not necessarily indicates that you have hair loss problem. One way to test if we are losing our hair is to pull your hair if you end up with more than 4-5 hairs in your hand you might have a problem. Another test is counting the hairs on your pillow in the morning. More than 8 hairs are indication to serious hair loss.

Women and men lose hair differently. Among men hair loss is usually related to hormones and genetics. It is a hereditary phenomenon which could jump over generations. While women, suffer from a larger variety of reasons. Hereditary is the main reason, as with men, and more reasons like: cold weather, high fever diseases, infective diseases, lack of protein, depression, high cholesterol, and more.

Hairs on the pillow are usually a result of hereditary, typical men oriented. Another symptom, is losing hair from the forehead, AGA, the hair becomes downy and thin until it completely falls off. According to popular estimations about 70% of men suffer from boldness by the age of fifty. About 25% of women under forty suffer from hair loss, and 50% over fifty suffer from thin hair look.

Now you probably say: OK we need help, where can we get it? Look for natural solutions. Keep looking until you find the best one for you. Do not stop looking for you will find a good solution eventually.

Hair Loss Stem Cell Therapy A New Technique

Since 1990s stem cells are used in many treatments. Nowadays for hair regeneration, hair loss stem cell therapy is proving to be a good technique.

First of all we need to know what stem cell is. Stem cells are the first building blocks of our body. We all started as a stem cell and then subsequently divided into millions of cells as we grew over time. Then a reverse process of decreasing stem cells starts, as we get older. The process gets faster if we suffer from diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes etc.

In stem cell therapy, stem cells are used as a replacement of damaged or dead cells in the body. On the scalp dead cells don’t grow hair and the area becomes bare, which we call bald. Now if we replace the dead cells on the scalp with new ones through stem cell therapy then the bald spot can be transformed into an area full of hair. This is the basic premise of stem cell therapy for treating baldness. After using this therapy to treat baldness, particularly male pattern baldness, some have experienced good results and some have not had good results. The research is still on and hopefully the success rate will improve in the coming years.

In the scientific lab, stem cells are produced and then these cells are injected in the bald areas of the scalp. If the first attempt to generate hair does not work then the doctors try again but the result is not guaranteed as the process is at an initial stage. If you want to try stem cell therapy for hair loss you can contact a dermatologist for the purpose.

Natural Hair Care

Bromelain Enzyme and the natural hair care

Bromelain is one of several compounds known as proteolytic enzymes, all of which aid in the digestion of protein. Bromelain supplements are now included in some of the natural hair care products. The plant enzyme bromelain has yet to get the hair care product recommendations. But there is more to bromelain than hair care.

The natural plant enzyme bromelain obtained from the pineapple is known to provide a number of health benefits as discussed below.

Bromelain Research

By 1891, researchers identified the proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which they found in the fleshy part of the fruit. This enzyme was discovered to break down protein, and as such, is still used to day as a natural meat tenderizer and digestive aid. By 1957, bromelain was widely recognized and research also began into such areas as muscle and tissue inflammation, burn recovery, infection, and even sinus problems.

The most recognized use for bromelain is as a digestive aid. This enzyme is commonly used in cases in which an individual’s own digestive enzymes are deficient, frequently resulting from pancreatic disorders. In such cases, bromelain supplements can relieve gastrointestinal symptoms including bloating, gas, pain and cramps from indigestion and diarrhea. Studies show that proteolytic enzymes like bromelain may also indirectly relive food allergies thought to occur from a condition called leaky gut, in which whole protein molecules from foods leak into the blood causing an allergic or immune response. Bromelain’s digestive properties are particularly enhanced when used along side other enzymes such as amylase that digests starch and lipase, necessary for fat digestion. Some laboratory studies suggest that bromelain may also be useful for reducing bad intestinal bacteria.

Bromelain is so effective at digesting protein that workers who frequently cut the fruit often lose their fingerprints to the active properties of the enzyme. As well as this fruit’s amazing digestive qualities, it is also an excellent source of vitamins A and vitamin C, a benefit the Spaniards took advantage of on their many extended trips out to sea.

The fibrous nature of pineapple however, is also known to relieve constipation, as well ancient cultures frequently used pineapples to cure jaundice and kill intestinal parasites. Ripe pineapple juice is well known as a remedy to induce menstruation and relieve painful periods. Bromelain’s photolytic properties also make this enzyme a natural blood thinner. The digestive substance in the enzyme breaks down the blood clotting protein called fibrin, which inhibits circulation and prevents tissues from effectively draining.

European studies have consistently shown that bromelain is also an excellent treatment for those recovering from sports injuries and in tissue repair necessary after surgery.

Evidence suggests that some supplemental enzymes in particular can be absorbed directly into the circulatory system in their active form where they then exhibit anti-inflammatory and pain relieving actions.

Bromelain has proven especially effective when applied directly to the skin to remove dead tissue resulting from severe burns that have reached all skin layers. These third-degree burns as they are known, are extremely susceptible to infection and swelling. The digestive properties of the bromelain cleanse the areas and remove the excess dead tissue and as well, its anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce the pain caused by swelling. Countries such as Japan and Taiwan and in the state of Hawaii where pineapples are abundant, widely recognize bromelain as a remedy to cleanse wounds. Another interesting use for bromelain may be as a cough suppressant and nasal decongestant.

Commercial Bromelain: Dosage

Commercial bromelain products for treating number of human and animal disorders are now available in the market.Health professionals suggest that while choosing a commercial a bromelain product, choose the enzyme supplement that uses a variety of other enzymes. It is best to blend enzymes with activity units at various pH levels to assure maximum effectiveness.

According to experts, in most cases, bromelain should only be taken for between 8 and10 days. There are two recognized drug reactions with bromelain. This enzyme is said to enhance antibiotics. One study shows that amoxicillin blood levels are increased when combined with bromelain. Additional studies show that the antibiotic tetracycline is better absorbed when used in conjunction with bromelain, however researchers say that further investigation is still necessary since studies in this area are conflicting.

If you are taking the herbs gingko, ginger, vitamin C or garlic or medications such as aspirin or warfarin, a common blood thinner, bromelain could potentially increase the risk of bleeding. It is therefore best to avoid this enzyme. In any case, if you are taking any type of prescription medication, it is always best to speak with a health professional prior to adding any herbs or supplements since interactions are often common.

There are many nutritional herbal supplements which are good for hair care. Find out natural hair care products and secrets and some fast hair growth tips to take care of your hair the natural way.

Cause Of Trichotillomania

The term “trichotillomania” comes from the Greek words “thrix,” meaning “hair” and “tillein” meaning “to pull” and “mania,” the Greek word for “madness” or “frenzy”. As the name suggests trichotillomania is a psychiatric condition in which an individual has an uncontrollable urge to pull out his or her own body hair. For people suffering from trichotillomania, hair pulling is more than a habit. It is rather a compulsive behavior, which the person finds very hard to stop. The cause of tricholomania is supposed to be the imbalance of chemicals in the human brain.

People with trichotillomania pull their hair out of the root from places like the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or even the pubic area. Some people even pull handfuls of hair, which can leave bald patches on the scalp or eyebrows. Other people pull out their hair one strand at a time. Some inspect the strands after pulling them out or play with the hair after it’s been pulled. About half of people with this condition also have the habit of putting the plucked hair in mouth.

Trichotillomania has been mentioned as a disorder in very early historical records. But clinically the condition trichotillomania was first described in 1889 by the French physician Francois Hallopeau. The condition is rare – statistics show it affects only 1% to 3% of the population, although new research suggests that the rate of hair pulling may be around 10% or higher.

Trichotillomania affects about twice as many girls as boys. Most people who have trichotillomania develop the condition during adolescence. However, it can start when a person is as young as 1 year old.

Trichotillomania is often the cause for embarrassment, frustration, shame, or depression for those people affected with the disorder. Those people also suffer from low self-esteem. They usually try to hide their behavior from others. Because of this fact, social alienation is common in trichotillomania patients. Moreover, the patients also try to cover patches of balding scalp by wearing wigs, hats, scarves or hair clips, or by applying make-up or even by tattooing.

Cause of tricholomania

Doctors don’t know much about the cause of trichotillomania. It is believed that genetics plays a major role. The compulsive behavior like trichotillomania can sometimes run in families. Some psychiatrists think it might be related to OCD since OCD and trichotillomania are both anxiety disorders. This is one reason why the impulses that lead to hair pulling can be stronger when a person is stressed out or worried.

Experts think that the actual cause of tricholomania is the imbalance of chemicals in the brain. These chemicals, called neurotransmitters are part of the brain’s communication center. When something interferes with how neurotransmitters work it can cause problems like compulsive behaviors.

Since trichotillomania is a medical condition, it’s not something most people can just stop doing when they feel like it. People with trichotillomania usually need help from medical experts before they can stop. With the right help, though, most people overcome their hair-pulling urges. This help may involve therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

There are therapies in which special behavior techniques are used to help people recognize the urge to pull hair before the urge becomes too strong to resist. The patient learns ways to resist the urge so that the urge becomes weaker and then goes away.

Many people find it helpful to keep their hands busy with a different activity (like squeezing a stress ball or drawing) during times when the urge of pulling hair is strong. Even activities like knitting while watching TV seems to help.

Natural Hair Loss Remedy And Treatment

This guide will discuss the various ways of hair loss and the natural hair loss treatments available. As many of us believe and rightly so, hair fall occurs due to the lack of attention it receives from its owner (though the main type of loss is hereditary i.e. male pattern baldness). Very hardly people care to treat their hair as they treat their face.

The first way to stop hair loss is to give proper attention to it. Now, with that out of the way, the other reasons that can be quoted are: genes, hormones, chemicals and dust particles settling in, etc. The top priority must be given to the gene factor involved in hair loss. Because, this has been the cause for many who are young to become bald.

Hair is an outgrowth on the skin which is determined by the testosterone (in men) and estrogen (in women). These two determine the differences between a man and woman. For a female, when the estrogen is present in normal condition, she develops long hair and prevents hair growth on the face. When the level of estrogen is reduced, the hair loss is prominent in females. There has some success in females when estrogen level is restored.

For a genetically caused hair loss in both men and women, the best solution available is hair transplantation. This has been a phenomenal success for many who have developed baldness through heredity.

Though, there are some general ways to prevent hair loss that is mentioned below. These steps are a guideline for effective maintenance of the hair.